The RoboSeals is a combination of university, community and industry partners. The University of South Australia brings their academic and research skills to the table, with both academic support and students from the Bachelor of Information Technology, the Bachelor of Software Engineering, and the Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking and Cybersecurity). Meanwhile, the Student Robotics Club of South Australia, Inc – also known as the RoboRoos – brings over 10 years of robotics competition experience through the FIRST competitions.
The RoboSeals team consists of a core membership drawn from the two institutions, coupled with industry partners and mentors. Along with that core membership is a wider body of students and partners who worked on different aspects of the project. In particular, Information Technology students from the University of South Australia were able to complete their final year capstone projects by working on features of the boat. This meant that over 30 students could be involved, working on everything from networking through to vision. However, as is discussed in out technology section, this provided some challenges, too.